Original artwork made from metal, clay, silks and painting.


Always having fun, enjoying the moment and giving thanks.

Rhonda at work

Raku: a process in which work is removed from the kiln at bright red heat and subjected to post-firing reduction (or smoking) by being placed in containers of combustible materials, which blackens raw clay and causes crazing in the glaze surface.

Raku Firing Technique

This is where it gets hot, the clay work is moved and placed into the fire.

Pottery is fun and exciting

The history of Raku dates as far back as the 16th century.

Metal Sunburst

I specialize in...

  • metalwork and welding
  • creating small and large scale copper, brass and stainless steel sculptures
  • transforming “found items” into vintage, steam punk and diverse usage items
  • incorporate textured paintings into metal sculptures
  • photography, copper enamel, glass bead making, silk painting and raku pottery

My booth!

Connect with me

All items are unique!
They may be custom ordered.


The Villages, FL



Email Address
